1871 early March
"Descent of Man" was published. The two volume set was reasonably priced at just twenty-four shillings. It was an immediate success just like "Origin of Species". Unlike Origin, however, Descent of Man produced hardly any outcries from the church, and very few criticisms from fellow naturalists. The critiques that did surface were fairly light - admitting that humans had evolved to some degree, but standing firm on the belief that the soul of man was divinely created.

1871 Spring - Summer
The 6th edition of "Origin of Species" was published, with a responce to Mivart included. The term "evolution" was mentioned for the first time in this edition.

1872 August
While on holiday at Leith Hill, Darwin finished the proofs for his book "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals."

1872 late September
Darwin spent a three week holiday at nearby Sevenoaks.

1872 November
An amazing 5,000 copies of "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" were sold by this time.

1872 middle of December
Darwin stayed with his brother, Erasmus, in London for a week. While there he drew up his will.

1873 Fall
Work was started on the 2nd edition of "Descent of Man".

1874 April
The new "Descent of Man" manuscript was sent to John Murray. Charles Darwin's many years of work on evolution were now complete.

1874 November 13
The 2nd edition of "Descent of Man" was published.

1875 February 22
Darwin's old friend, Charles Lyell, died.

1875 July
"Insectivorous Plants" was published and sold faster and better than "Origin of Species".

Darwin worked on "The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom" all year and into the summer.

1876 May 31
Darwin started working on his autobiography.

1876 August 3
He finished writing his autobiography.

1876 September 7
The first grandson of Emma and Darwin, Bernard Darwin, was born. He was the first son of Francis Darwin and Amy Ruck, she having died a few days later on 11 September due to a fever.

1876 Winter

"The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects" and "The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom" were both published.

1877 July
"Different Forms of Flowers on Plants" was completed.

1877 November 17
Darwin received an honorary Doctorate of Law from Cambridge University. This was one of the proudest moments of his life.

1878 late Winter
The biography of his grandfather titled, "Erasmus Darwin" was published. Darwin had spent nearly six months working on it.

1879 June
Darwin finished, "The Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants" and sent it to John Murray for publication.

1881 late Spring
Darwin rewrote parts of his autobiography.

1881 early Summer
Charles Darwin, his life's work now complete, was bored due to there being nothing left to challenge him. His wife, Emma, took him on holiday to the Lake District to cheer him up. It did no good.

1881 August 26
Darwin's brother, Erasmus, died and was buried at St. Mary's Church in the village of Downe.

1881 September 7
Darwin completed his final will.

1881 October
"The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Actions of Worms, with Observations on Their Habits" was published.

1881 December 15
While Darwin and Emma were in London for the holidays, he experienced strong pains in his chest. The next day a doctor was called for, but Darwin appeared to be fine by then.

1882 February to April
Darwin experienced random episodes of severe chest pains, seizures and heart troubles.

1882 April 16-17
He appeared to be getting a little better; and was able to go outside for short strolls.

1882 April 18
Darwin had an extremely violent attack during the night. Emma feared he was very near death and a doctor was sent for.

1882 April 19
In the morning the doctor left, concluding that Darwin was in stable condition. Soon afterwards he had more violent attacks. The children were sent for and everyone gathered around his bedside. Charles Darwin died at around 4:00 PM at Down House.

1882 April 20
Arrangements were made for Darwin to be buried at St. Mary's churchyard in the village of Downe. Francis Galton asked William Spottiswoode (at the time president of the Royal Society) if he would try to get the consent of the Darwin family for Darwin to be buried at Westminster Abbey, in London. Meanwhile, Sir John Lubbock, now an MP with quite a lot of political influence, went to the House of Parliament to petition for the burial. The petition was easily granted.

Soon letters from all over Britain were appearing in newspapers urging the Darwin family to allow internment at Westminster. After all, people argued, Sir Isaac Newton was interred at Westminster Abbey and Charles Darwin deserved no less an honor. The family soon gave their consent.

1882 April 26
Charles Robert Darwin was buried at Westmineter Abbey. The pall-bearers included: the Duke of Argyll, James Lowell (American Ambassador to Britain), Joseph Hooker, Thomas Huxley, William Spottiswoode, Sir John Lubbock, Lord Derby, Duke of Devonshire and Cannon Farrar. His wife, Emma, remained at Down House, unable to bear the experience. He was buried next to his friend, Sir John Herschel, about twenty feet from the tomb of Sir Isaac Newton.